Harmonious Beginnings MTS

Archive for the ‘general infomration’ Category

Welcome to the Harmonious Beginnings Blog

Posted on March 6th, 2013 in general infomration by |

Welcome to Harmonious Beginnings Blog! This is my second attempt at blogging and I am making a concerted effort to keep this one more current. Things for my small business are in a state of transition this year. Although it can be a bit unsettling when things are in a constant flux of change, it can also be exciting. I am looking forward to what this new year will bring. I love working with my individual clients and seeing them grow. I am meeting new families all the time and watching some great little musicians blossom before my eyes. I am getting ready to expand my Music Together® early childhood groups- which I love to teach- to include Music Together Within Therapy- therapy focused groups.

On a personal note, I’ve got 3 kids who will all be at Fine Arts elementary next year. My husband and I are amazed every day at how quickly they are growing up. As I watch my oldest daughter taking Suzuki violin lessons, just like I did at her age, I remember the struggle. As a kid, I hated to practice. As a Mom, I want her to form good habits. In the long run, I am ever grateful to my mom for pushing me when I wanted to quit. I hear from parents all the time that played an instrument for a short time during their childhood. I wonder, how many people regret quitting, or are glad that the dropped their instrument? One thing I can say for sure, when I look around at the people I know, whether a friend has played for 3 years or 30, there is a kindred spirit I find in another musician. It changes us for the good.