Harmonious Beginnings MTS

Our Services


harmoniousbeginningsIndividual Therapy
Direct music therapy services provided one on one for individuals after an assessment has been done. The length and frequency of sessions is dertermined based on the assessment. Areas typically addressed through music therapy are focus/attending goals, emotional goals, sensory integration, speech/language and behavior issues.

Group Therapy
Clients with special needs typically have socialization goals and these goals are best addressed in a group setting. Clients are placed in a group with others depending on their developmental levels.

Music Groups
Every child at various stages of development can benifit from music groups. Team work and cooperative music making exercises tap into school readiness and cooperative play. Music skills are fine tuned and  music groups help prepair young children for instrumental lessons. Emotional expression and self confidence are also areas that blossom through music experiences.

Off Site Music Groups
Music groups are offered each semester at the clinics or can be contracted out for organizations interested in offering music for special functions.

harmonious_beginningsConsulting Services
Teachers in school and daycare settings may be looking for ways to incorporate music into lesson plans. A music therapist is available to come observe your classroom and give feedback as to ways to include music into your classroom.

Parent support groups or other proffesionals in related fields looking for more information on music therapy can schedule a presentation for conferences or meetings.